Monthly Archives: November 2021

Hanukkah: 3rd Night Dedication

Dear Members,

Happy Hanukkah!

Judaism teaches us that what we do with our lives is precious.  Adding meaning to all of our actions is a holy act- whether we are praying, eating, washing our hands, or partaking in normal, everyday activities, doing them with intention lifts the seemingly mundane to the level of holiness. Simply put, Judaism asks of us to act not mindlessly but with intention.

Hanukkah, or  חנוכה ​means ‘Dedication’. As we light the Hanukkah candles, let our intent be meaningful with each night. Let us dedicate the 3rd Candle to stopping Domestic Violence and Abuse:

“May the lights of our Hanukkah Menorah shed light on those that cower in the darkness. May their fear be quelled by Your Eternal Love. Guardian of Israel who never slumbers or sleeps, protect the victims of violence and bullying. May You protect those who suffer because of words that hurt more than fists. May we do all we can to offer comfort and help to those who are too weak or who live in fear. May we lift up those in need and remove the stumbling blocks that stand in their way. May the 3rd candle inspire us to act, as the Torah commands: “Love your neighbor”, and “Do not place a stumbling block before the blind”. (Leviticus)

Do you want to help protect victims of domestic violence and abuse?

Hanukkah 2nd Night Candle Dedication

Happy Hanukkah!

Judaism teaches us that what we do with our lives is precious.  Adding meaning to all of our actions is a holy act- whether we are praying, eating, washing our hands, or partaking in normal, everyday activities, doing them with intention lifts the seemingly mundane to the level of holiness. Simply put, Judaism asks of us to act not mindlessly but with intention.

Hanukkah, or  חנוכה means ‘Dedication’. As we light the Hanukkah candles, let our intent be meaningful with each night. The 1st candle is dedicated to family and friends.  Let us dedicate the 2nd candle of Hanukkah to doing our share to stop world hunger:

“As we light the 2nd candle of Hanukkah, let us do so with the promise to work toward a future where we can share in our bounties.  While we are blessed to be able to eat latkes, jelly donuts and anything we want this time of year, we are aware of those who will go to bed hungry tonight.  This 2nd candle is lit with the intent that we will do what we can to feed the poor and hungry in our community and the greater world community.  Then will the prophet’s words ring true:  “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied (Joel, 2:26).”

Want to do more about the Jewish response to hunger and what YOU can do?

MAZON – A Jewish Response to Hunger MAZON spotlights issues and populations where larger organizations and the government have yet to turn their focus. Your support for MAZON’s Spotlight Fund furthers this work, by allowing us to fight to end hunger among military families, veterans, Native Americans, single mothers, LGBTQ seniors, the people of Puerto Rico and the territories, and all who struggle.

Cantor Colman Reaboi

Spiritual Leader, Congregation Agudath Achim

It’s Menorah Madness!

A Hanukkah Celebration, Featuring “The Aleph Beats”

Bring your Chanukah Menorahs to Services and fill the Sanctuary with the lights of Hanukkah!!! Songs, stories and gelt- OH MY!!!!

Prize for the most AWESOME Hanukkiah!

Sunday, December 5th at 4:00pm

Winner of the 2020 Jewish Collegiate KOLedge A Cappella Competition, The Alef Beats of Brown and RISD have been singing up and down the East Coast since our inception in 2005. The Beats sing in all styles and formats, including Israeli and American pop/rock, old country Yiddish melodies, showtunes, and arrangements of modern Hebrew liturgical songs. The Beats come from all over – our all-gender membership roster includes those from as far away as Malaysia, and as close to home as the Providence suburbs. Concentrations within the group vary as well, from Computer Science to Furniture Design. Through it all, the Beats are brought together by our goofy personalities, our love of music, and a healthy appreciation for Jewish values and tradition.

Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays, 9:30am – 11:30am

Jewish Community House Korff Library, 133 High Street, Taunton

Come explore a variety of Jewish-related topics every Sunday

  • November 14, 2021: Reminisce and Study with Arthur Arkinase
    • Arthur was a long-time member of Agudath Achim. He taught in the religious school and lead services for a time. Listen to old stories and learn something new!
  • November 21, 2021: Financial Talk & Q&A with Will Goldsmith
    • Financial advisor, husband and father Will Goldsmith will talk about the latest in financial and investment news and answer your questions.

More information can be found by clicking here.

Shabbat Rishona This Week

November 6, 2021 / Kislev 2, 5782

From Christina Mattison Ebert’s D’rash Designs Series

Shabbat Candlelighting Times:
Shabbat begins on Friday, November 5th at 5:15pm, and ends on Saturday, November 6th at 6:15pm.

Parashat Toldot – Genesis 25:19-28:9
Rebecca and Isaac have twins, the smooth-skinned Jacob, whom Rebecca favors, and the hairy Esau, who Isaac favors. After returning from a hunting trip, Esau asks his brother for some lentil soup, but Jacob tells him he must trade him his birthright. Years later, when Isaac is old and blind, Jacob tricks their father into giving him the firstborn blessing. Jacob leaves home, fearing his brother will retaliate, and finds a wife at his uncle Laban’s house.

Haftarah: Malachi, 1:1-2:7
Though Esau was the firstborn, and thus had the birthright to his father’s inheritance, it was Jacob who received the more prestigious blessing, and who went on to be the patriarch of the family. Malakhi is likely mentioning Jacob and Esau because Esau was also known as Edom (Gen 25:30), the progenitor of the Edomites. During Malakhi’s life, the Edomites looted Jerusalem and killed many of those who fled. The people of Israel might reasonably have questioned whether Jacob and the people of Israel really were being accepted and Esau and the Edomites rejected, but Malakhi assures the Jews that God is still on their side.

Click here to learn more about the Parshat Toldot.

This Shabbat is Shabbat Rishona!
Please join the Religious School in celebrating the joy of Shabbat this Saturday beginning at 9am.

Mishkan T’filah for Children will be used as our Siddur for this service.

Cantor Colman Reaboi
Spiritual Leader, Congregation Agudath Achim

Latkes Are Back and On Sale Now!

The Religious School Latke Fundraiser is back!!

We are excited to once again be able to offer our wonderful kosher latkes for sale as a Religious School Fundraiser.

24 latkes in a box (frozen): $10.00 per box

Quick turnaround time on orders!

More information to come re:
ORDER PICKUP at the JCH the week of November 29th.

Please email the information on the pdf below to Stacey Gay at ASAP. Please put LATKE ORDER in the subject line.

Name: _____________________________________________​


Email: _________________

​I would like ____________boxes x $10.00 per box = $ _________________

Also, you may drop off the form at the Jewish Community House (Lori’s office) or mail form with your check payable to Congregation Agudath Achim to:
Congregation Agudath Achim
P.O. Box 826
Taunton, MA 02780